Doctoral candidate positions
General information
The doctoral researcher positions of the new Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Doctoral Networt FluxBEATS dedicated global elemental fluxes that control biogeochemical cycles and formation of the mineral deposits at divergent plate boundaries are open for applications. The doctoral researcher will be offered a fully funded contract up to 3 years.
The successful applicants for all positions should have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in natural sciences, proficient knowledge of English and motivation for mobility. Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (such as studies, work, or research) in the country where the position is based for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline. Successful applicants must relocate to the referred country by the time of employment.
Each position is applied for through the host institution. Therefore, the host institution’s requirements apply. The application templates on this page (see at the end of the page) must be carefully filled out and attached to the application. The applicant selected for the project is expected to start on 1st of May, 2025.
The doctoral researcher positions of the new Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Doctoral Networt FluxBEATS dedicated global elemental fluxes that control biogeochemical cycles and formation of the mineral deposits at divergent plate boundaries are open for applications. The doctoral researcher will be offered a fully funded contract up to 3 years.
The successful applicants for all positions should have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in natural sciences, proficient knowledge of English and motivation for mobility. Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (such as studies, work, or research) in the country where the position is based for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline. Successful applicants must relocate to the referred country by the time of employment.
Each position is applied for through the host institution. Therefore, the host institution’s requirements apply. The application templates on this page (see at the end of the page) must be carefully filled out and attached to the application. The applicant selected for the project is expected to start on 1st of May, 2025.
Descriptions of the doctoral candidate positions
The main supervisor for each position are highlighted in bold.
DC5 – Controls of fluxes of critical metals from the mantle to crust and into the water column at spreading centers, deadline 16 February 2025
The aim of this project is to create a holistic perspective on the physical and chemical parameters that control the flux of critical metals through magmatic and hydrothermal systems hosted at divergent plate boundaries. We will focus on critical metals and metalloids in existing bulk rock samples, glass (formerly melt) inclusions, magmatic and hydrothermal sulfides, and hydrothermal fluids from, e.g. the Manus and Lau backarc basins, the Woodlark Spreading Center and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (‘Sprinter’ cruise). The result is a new crust-to-deposit-to-ocean metal budget that will be developed further into a holistic VMS deposit model by integrating compositional data of seafloor massive sulfide ores and fluid samples taken during research cruises and databases maintained by GEOMAR and UB, and by using statistical methods and machine-learning approaches. Analytical techniques include electron microprobe, (LA)-ICP-MSs, volatile analyses, sulfur isotope analyses and petrogenetic modelling.
DC6 – Permeability, temperature and heat flux at hydrothermal systems, deadline 28 February 2025
The aim of this project is to address the multi-scale permeability-temperature-heat flux tryptic quantification at deep-sea hydrothermal system and its implementation into a “unifying model”. This project will include a combination of analytical and numerical hydrothermal modelling constrained with observational work (leveraging on the newly funded EMSOMohns deep-sea observatory) to systematically quantify the effective permeability of hydrothermal systems and its efficiency at extracting heat out of the solid Earth.
DC3 – Alteration of the oceanic lithosphere at different tectonic settings and link to fluxes through geological time
The aim of this project the to gain understanding of the links between tectonics, bulk alteration and focused hydrothermal activity at actively deforming systems, e.g., active transforms and detachments faults along MOR, in order to estimate the duration and extent of fluid-rock reaction during and after activity. Geochemical investigations to quantify the elementary exchanges during bulk alteration and focused hydrothermal activity. Our data will be integrated into models of plate tectonic reconstruction for estimating fluxes today and at 200 Ma (GPlates models).
DC1 – Chemical budget of the bulk oceanic crust, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to quantify the primary mass flux from the mantle to the oceanic crust. This will be done by determining the chemical budget for the bulk oceanic crust at suitable modern MOR localities (e.g., Atlantis Massif, Hess Deep, SWIR, available sample and data). Combining ship-based field observations (distribution, relative abundance of different crustal lithologies and mantle) of existing, available and new whole rock and glass samples with geochemical measurements (major, trace elements, radiogenic isotope ratios) we will develop a geochemical budget for the modern oceanic crust, i.e., the average composition of the extrusive basalts and intrusive gabbros.
DC2 – Fluid inclusion trace element signatures in lavas from divergent plate boundaries, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to analyze fluid and melt inclusion and mineral trace element data from back-arcs, along with whole rock and glass geochemical analyses in active spreading systems of varying compositions, providing a consistent dataset of melt and fluid inclusion geochemistry. The budget will consist of variable portions of primary, slab-related fluids and hydrothermal, seawater-related fluids in back-arcs. Results of the fluid inclusion trace element analyses will be compared to in-situ fluid trace element analyses from active hydrothermal vents and minerals. We will develop a complementary database of primary, magmatic fluid inclusions and those resulting from hydrothermal venting through the crust.
DC4 – Formation of silicic magmas in ophiolites and at modern divergent margins, deadline 31 January 2025
Plagiogranites and ferrogabbros are the fractionated end members of MOR and back-arc magmatism and ophiolites. They are enriched in incompatible elements during differentiation and assimilation of hydrothermally altered crust or brine and host large economic VMS deposits. The petrogenesis of plagiogranites poses a fundamental problem as these rocks may represent the ultimate end members of mafic liquid lines of descent from the sub-lithospheric mantle or partial melts from lithologic units in the oceanic lithosphere. The aim of this project is to establish a baseline for silicic magma formation in Precambrian ophiolites and make comparison to modern MORs and back-arcs. The two prime Finnish Precambrian ophiolites to be studied represent initial (Jormua) and more advanced (Outokumpu) oceanic magmatism in the Paleoproterozoic. The Finnish samples will be analysed for major element and trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes (whole rock) and U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes (zircon). The significance of the results will be evaluated against well-known modern seafloor/ophiolite data sets.
DC7 – Element fluxes in Archean seafloor hydrothermal systems, deadline 31 January 2025
Subsurface modification of seawater in modern seafloor hydrothermal systems provides chemical energy and nutrients to micro-organisms that live in proximity to active vents. Stable isotope biomarkers suggest a similar role for hydrothermal systems in the Archean, but element fluxes in these settings remain poorly constrained as seawater chemistry was distinctly different. The aim of this project is to increase our understanding of geochemical fluxes in Archean hydrothermal systems and their impact on early microbial life, through a combination of field observations, geochemical analyses and modeling. The study will focus on various hydrothermal alteration zones from greenstone belts in Southern Africa and Western Australia, and aims to generate geochemical and isotopic data (e.g. S, Si, Fe) to evaluate roles of seawater, mixing processes, microbial activity and redox cycling. Empirical data will be combined with geochemical modeling to obtain new insights into element fluxes in Archean hydrothermal settings.
DC8 – Interplay between organic and hydrothermal processes in the formation of metal deposits at different stages of divergent margin evolution, deadline 31 January 2025
This project will study the significance of syngenetic organic-sulphidic compounds and secondary hydrothermal metal enrichment in three different Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.96 Ga) divergent margin types with different degrees of hydrothermal influence in Finland from existing rock samples (available drill cores at GTK). The study will include characterization and compound-specific analysis of organic matter and sulphide mineral-specific microanalyses of isotopes of S and metals (Fe, Cu, Zn), which will permit assessing the role of microbial activity, hydrothermal processes and continental weathering in the formation of the metallic mineral deposits.
DC9 – Impact of Microbial Interaction with Deep Oceanic Crust – Micro-Deep, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to investigate the nature and rate of biotic vs. abiotic alteration of oceanic basalt and quantify to what extent microbial and fungal activity influences the dissolution rates of newly formed oceanic basalt and thereby evaluate the potential environmental impact, both past and present. We will achieve this by deploying a truly interdisciplinary approach combining comprehensive genomics with atomic-scale mineral dissolution measurements and biogeochemical rate modelling.
DC10 – Numerical modelling of hydrothermal plumes in the ocean, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is the numerical modelling of hydrothermal plumes in the ocean using methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics, in particular, Large Eddy Simulations (LES). So far, modelling of the chemistry in hydrothermal plumes has not involved fluid transport, though turbulent mixing is expected to have a strong impact on these chemical reactions. The project aims to fill this gap by means of numerical simulations. We will implement a chemistry module in a numerical model of a hydrothermal plume in the ocean to analyse the behaviour of passive and active tracers and chemical and microbial kinetics in the plumes.
The main supervisor for each position are highlighted in bold.
DC5 – Controls of fluxes of critical metals from the mantle to crust and into the water column at spreading centers, deadline 16 February 2025
The aim of this project is to create a holistic perspective on the physical and chemical parameters that control the flux of critical metals through magmatic and hydrothermal systems hosted at divergent plate boundaries. We will focus on critical metals and metalloids in existing bulk rock samples, glass (formerly melt) inclusions, magmatic and hydrothermal sulfides, and hydrothermal fluids from, e.g. the Manus and Lau backarc basins, the Woodlark Spreading Center and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (‘Sprinter’ cruise). The result is a new crust-to-deposit-to-ocean metal budget that will be developed further into a holistic VMS deposit model by integrating compositional data of seafloor massive sulfide ores and fluid samples taken during research cruises and databases maintained by GEOMAR and UB, and by using statistical methods and machine-learning approaches. Analytical techniques include electron microprobe, (LA)-ICP-MSs, volatile analyses, sulfur isotope analyses and petrogenetic modelling.
- Host institution: GEOMAR.
- Supervision: Sylvia Sander (GEOMAR), Wolfgang Bach (UB), Christoph Beier (UH), Philipp Brandl (GEOMAR), and Sven Petersen (GEOMAR).
- Apply for this position through the website of the GEOMAR.
DC6 – Permeability, temperature and heat flux at hydrothermal systems, deadline 28 February 2025
The aim of this project is to address the multi-scale permeability-temperature-heat flux tryptic quantification at deep-sea hydrothermal system and its implementation into a “unifying model”. This project will include a combination of analytical and numerical hydrothermal modelling constrained with observational work (leveraging on the newly funded EMSOMohns deep-sea observatory) to systematically quantify the effective permeability of hydrothermal systems and its efficiency at extracting heat out of the solid Earth.
- Host institution: GEOMAR.
- Supervision: Lars Rüpke (GEOMAR), Thibaut Barreyre (Geo-Ocean), and Luca Brandt (Polito).
- Apply for this position through the website of the GEOMAR.
DC3 – Alteration of the oceanic lithosphere at different tectonic settings and link to fluxes through geological time
The aim of this project the to gain understanding of the links between tectonics, bulk alteration and focused hydrothermal activity at actively deforming systems, e.g., active transforms and detachments faults along MOR, in order to estimate the duration and extent of fluid-rock reaction during and after activity. Geochemical investigations to quantify the elementary exchanges during bulk alteration and focused hydrothermal activity. Our data will be integrated into models of plate tectonic reconstruction for estimating fluxes today and at 200 Ma (GPlates models).
- Host institution: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
- Supervision: Muriel Andreani (ULY), Javier Escartin (ENS), Philipp Brandl and Lars Rüpke (both GEOMAR).
- Apply for this position through the website of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. [link will be added later]
DC1 – Chemical budget of the bulk oceanic crust, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to quantify the primary mass flux from the mantle to the oceanic crust. This will be done by determining the chemical budget for the bulk oceanic crust at suitable modern MOR localities (e.g., Atlantis Massif, Hess Deep, SWIR, available sample and data). Combining ship-based field observations (distribution, relative abundance of different crustal lithologies and mantle) of existing, available and new whole rock and glass samples with geochemical measurements (major, trace elements, radiogenic isotope ratios) we will develop a geochemical budget for the modern oceanic crust, i.e., the average composition of the extrusive basalts and intrusive gabbros.
- Host institution: University of Münster.
- Supervision: Andreas Stracke (UM), Christoph Beier (UH), and Felix Genske (UM).
DC2 – Fluid inclusion trace element signatures in lavas from divergent plate boundaries, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to analyze fluid and melt inclusion and mineral trace element data from back-arcs, along with whole rock and glass geochemical analyses in active spreading systems of varying compositions, providing a consistent dataset of melt and fluid inclusion geochemistry. The budget will consist of variable portions of primary, slab-related fluids and hydrothermal, seawater-related fluids in back-arcs. Results of the fluid inclusion trace element analyses will be compared to in-situ fluid trace element analyses from active hydrothermal vents and minerals. We will develop a complementary database of primary, magmatic fluid inclusions and those resulting from hydrothermal venting through the crust.
- Host institution: University of Helsinki.
- Supervision: Christoph Beier (UH), Wolfgang Bach (UB), and Philipp Brandl (GEOMAR).
DC4 – Formation of silicic magmas in ophiolites and at modern divergent margins, deadline 31 January 2025
Plagiogranites and ferrogabbros are the fractionated end members of MOR and back-arc magmatism and ophiolites. They are enriched in incompatible elements during differentiation and assimilation of hydrothermally altered crust or brine and host large economic VMS deposits. The petrogenesis of plagiogranites poses a fundamental problem as these rocks may represent the ultimate end members of mafic liquid lines of descent from the sub-lithospheric mantle or partial melts from lithologic units in the oceanic lithosphere. The aim of this project is to establish a baseline for silicic magma formation in Precambrian ophiolites and make comparison to modern MORs and back-arcs. The two prime Finnish Precambrian ophiolites to be studied represent initial (Jormua) and more advanced (Outokumpu) oceanic magmatism in the Paleoproterozoic. The Finnish samples will be analysed for major element and trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes (whole rock) and U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes (zircon). The significance of the results will be evaluated against well-known modern seafloor/ophiolite data sets.
- Host institution: University of Helsinki.
- Supervision: Tapani Rämö (UH), Philipp Brandl (GEOMAR), Christoph Beier (UH), and Sven Petersen (GEOMAR).
DC7 – Element fluxes in Archean seafloor hydrothermal systems, deadline 31 January 2025
Subsurface modification of seawater in modern seafloor hydrothermal systems provides chemical energy and nutrients to micro-organisms that live in proximity to active vents. Stable isotope biomarkers suggest a similar role for hydrothermal systems in the Archean, but element fluxes in these settings remain poorly constrained as seawater chemistry was distinctly different. The aim of this project is to increase our understanding of geochemical fluxes in Archean hydrothermal systems and their impact on early microbial life, through a combination of field observations, geochemical analyses and modeling. The study will focus on various hydrothermal alteration zones from greenstone belts in Southern Africa and Western Australia, and aims to generate geochemical and isotopic data (e.g. S, Si, Fe) to evaluate roles of seawater, mixing processes, microbial activity and redox cycling. Empirical data will be combined with geochemical modeling to obtain new insights into element fluxes in Archean hydrothermal settings.
- Host institution: University of Bergen.
- Supervision: Desiree Roerdink (UiB), Joonas Virtasalo (GTK), Steffen Leth Jørgensen (UiB), Riikka Kietäväinen (UH), and Wolfgang Bach (UB).
DC8 – Interplay between organic and hydrothermal processes in the formation of metal deposits at different stages of divergent margin evolution, deadline 31 January 2025
This project will study the significance of syngenetic organic-sulphidic compounds and secondary hydrothermal metal enrichment in three different Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.96 Ga) divergent margin types with different degrees of hydrothermal influence in Finland from existing rock samples (available drill cores at GTK). The study will include characterization and compound-specific analysis of organic matter and sulphide mineral-specific microanalyses of isotopes of S and metals (Fe, Cu, Zn), which will permit assessing the role of microbial activity, hydrothermal processes and continental weathering in the formation of the metallic mineral deposits.
- Host institution: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).
- Supervision: Joonas Virtasalo (GTK), Desiree Roerdink (UiB), Tuomo Törmänen (GTK), Bénédicte Menez (IPGP), Sylvia Sander (GEOMAR), and Riikka Kietäväinen (UH).
DC9 – Impact of Microbial Interaction with Deep Oceanic Crust – Micro-Deep, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is to investigate the nature and rate of biotic vs. abiotic alteration of oceanic basalt and quantify to what extent microbial and fungal activity influences the dissolution rates of newly formed oceanic basalt and thereby evaluate the potential environmental impact, both past and present. We will achieve this by deploying a truly interdisciplinary approach combining comprehensive genomics with atomic-scale mineral dissolution measurements and biogeochemical rate modelling.
- Host institution: University of Bergen.
- Supervision: Steffen Leth Jørgensen (UiB), Riikka Kietäväinen (UH), Heleng King, Oliver Plümper, Desiree Roerdink (UiB), Wolfgang Bach (UB), and Sylvia Sander (GEOMAR).
DC10 – Numerical modelling of hydrothermal plumes in the ocean, deadline 31 January 2025
The aim of this project is the numerical modelling of hydrothermal plumes in the ocean using methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics, in particular, Large Eddy Simulations (LES). So far, modelling of the chemistry in hydrothermal plumes has not involved fluid transport, though turbulent mixing is expected to have a strong impact on these chemical reactions. The project aims to fill this gap by means of numerical simulations. We will implement a chemistry module in a numerical model of a hydrothermal plume in the ocean to analyse the behaviour of passive and active tracers and chemical and microbial kinetics in the plumes.
- Host institution: Polito.
- Supervision: Luca Brandt (Polito), Ekaterina Ezhova (UH), Wolfgang Bach (UB), Lars Rüpke and Sylvia Sander (both GEOMAR), and Luca Ridolfi and Carlo Camporeale (both Polito).
FluxBEATS templates
Download the files below, fill in the required information carefully and attach the files to your application as requested by the host institution.

fluxbeats-application_form.docx |

fluxbeats-cv.docx |

fluxbeats-eligibility_and_mobility_declaration.docx |

fluxbeats-motivation_letter.docx |

fluxbeats-references_contact_information.docx |